
Language settings in Google suck

Posted by in Rants, Technology | April 21, 2013

To the guys doing interface design at Google: for fuck’s sake, do something already about the language settings on your search interface.

This is an example of what I see everyday when I’m searching things on Google while logged to my account. Notice that the interface and the search results are in Japanese:

google-search-japanese-results Yes, I can read Japanese, but that’s not the point. My Google account is configured to display an English interface and provide search results from English sites, and I would expect these settings to work from a company like Google:


Manually going to works, but I’d rather not have to enter the URL manually every time I need to search for something. To make things more fun, logging out from my Google account also displays an English interface with English search results, because that’s the primary language on my web browser.

I’m sure I’m not the first person complaining about this. Please do something already.

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