Let me explain with a quick diagram…
Posted by Javi Lavandeira in Culture, Fun, Japan, Pets | September 12, 2015Today I took Yuki to the vet for her vaccination. I always take her to the Nomura Veterinary Clinic in Nakano because this doctor is especialized in exotic pets. Not just ferrets, but all kind of animals that other doctors wouldn’t even dare to touch. Almost everybody in Tokyo who owns a ferret brings his to this clinic.

As an example, one day I saw a man come to Dr. Nomura with his 5-6 marmosets on his back . Click to enlarge.
Dr. Nomura’s clinic is a bit far from home, so I can’t just take Yuki and bring her there. I have to put her in her carrier cage and either take the train (inconvenient) or a taxi. We took a taxi today.

Yuki relaxing in her carrier on the taxi to the vet.
Every time you take your pet to Dr. Nomura he does a checkup to check that your little furry (or scaly, if you’re bringing a snake) is healthy. Usually there are no problems and your pet gets a vaccine or some other medication, and then you pay and go home.
Today it was a bit different…
Today Dr. Nomura did find something wrong with Yuki. I can comunicate in Japanese without issues, but my repertory of medical terms is still very underdeveloped. He said that it would be easier to explain if he drew a quick diagram, so he took a piece of paper, a pencil and a bunch of color markers, and in two minutes drew this in front of my nose:
Easier to understand indeed. Not only he’s the best vet in Tokyo, but he obviously can draw.
And yes, Yuki has an adrenal gland tumor. She’ll need surgery and it won’t be cheap (about 200,000 Japanese yen), but luckily it’s not the kind of tumor that spreads. She’ll also recover her fur.
Be strong, Yuki.